Risk management

Managing and mitigating risk to the community

Is the potential for something to go wrong keeping you up at night?

Atom Consulting specialise in risk management. Our team proactively works with water utilities (both urban and regional) to understand and manage technical, environmental and human capacity risks. Our team members have been involved in the facilitation of risk assessment workshops and development of Enterprise Risk Management Frameworks, auditing and implementation of Drinking Water Management System (DWMS) and Recycled Water Management Systems (RWMS).

We don’t just tick boxes. We have a broad range of services and experience, and bring them all together to take a closer look at the people and processes that make your facilities work. We then work alongside you and your staff to assess and mitigate risk at every step.

Whether you’re responding to an incident, trying to get a step ahead or looking to build a business case for positive change, our risk management services make sure you can go about your work without the extra layer of stress.

Are you incident ready?

  • Are your incident response plans current and in-place?
  • Have staff been trained in your incident documentation?
  • Do you undertake annual water quality incident scenarios?

We can help you understand how your system will respond to an incident, or learn from an incident and prevent it happening again.

  • Prepare for upsets by and speaking to the people involved at every step, and assessing the full system for uncertainties
  • Ensure that, in the event that something does go wrong, there are controls in place to prevent the event, mitigate the consequence and keep your team on task
  • Don’t guess - really get to the root of what went wrong, with root cause analysis and engaged discussion with all stakeholders
  • Manage improvements that help improve safety for your team, facility and the wider community

Are your water safety plans operationalised?

Our team has helped water utilities in Australia and globally for more than 10 years to develop, implement and embed water safety planning and its processes in their day-to-day activities. We have strong involvement in policy development and regulatory support, and bring this knowledge to our water safety planning work.

Our work spans the development, implementation and operationalisation of,

  • Water safety plans
  • Drinking water management systems
  • Drinking water quality management plans
  • Quality Assurance Plans (QAPs)

Are your management systems up to date?

You need to keep your management systems up to date when things change, or if you're building something new. We bring together our expertise in operational support and strategic management to help you build a comprehensive risk management system that adapts to changing circumstances, priorities and needs.

We can help you with,

  • Review and implementation of your management system
  • Ensuring that your management systems reflect current practices and regulatory requirements
  • Understand changing regulatory requirements and industry practice

Are your risk management practices current?

We are highly skilled technical facilitators, combining our engineering expertise with strong engagement skills to deliver engaging workshops that communicate technical issues. You can only get a complete picture of risk when you bring together all stakeholders.

  • We have facilitated over 100 drinking and recycled water health quality risk assessments.
  • We pioneered the use of bow-tie risk assessments for water quality risk assessment to visually document the effectiveness of the multi-barrier approach to water quality health management for cross-disciplinary teams.

Plan to operate with reduced on-site staff and avoid infection.

Our pandemic contingency planning includes:

  • Updating and training relief staff in incident and contingency response plans  where key staff may not be available (e.g. Incident and emergency response plans, water quality incident protocols, PRIMP)
  • Reviewing current SOPs for use by relief operational staff
  • Prioritising any updates to those SOPs, to ensure they can be followed by relief staff
  • Identifying areas where further contingency planning is required

Get the benefit of our broad experience and skills, ranging from policy development through to operational support. Our projects show our diverse work, and that we are greater than the sum of our parts.

Don’t give in to worry

If there is any doubt about the essential activities, communication processes and authorisations required to keep your facilities running, it’s time to address risk management.

Let’s talk about your areas of concern, and make sure there is no room for worry.

E        info@atomconsulting.com.au

P        02 9488 7742

A        401, 71-73 Archer St, Chatswood NSW 2067

© Atom Consulting 2020